Monday, June 18, 2012

Where Do the Ducks Go - Winter Bliss

Couple of new little pics I've been working on, actually they are really old drawings that somehow made their way into photoshop for a bit of colour today!

I have found myself questioning how we can possibly be in Winter again, time just moves so swiftly,  and if I can really go through another one here in Melb's... it's awfully cold and I so long to live in a warmer year round climate but that's another story... I recently learned a new phrase 'the law of the farm' (I read it in Stephen Covey's 'First Things First') it refers to the process of life on a farm and how farmers must move in the cycles of nature or they cease to have their harvest. It's inevitable, Winter will always make it's way around it's just up to us how we choose to spend it! This Winter I'm getting back to painting, drawing and exploring new ideas cause that's what I do each Winter.

There is one question that I'll never stop asking though and that is 'where do the ducks go?' Thanks Holden!

Titles: 'Where Do The Ducks Go' and 'Oh Winter"
Artist: Jean-Louise