Thursday, October 27, 2011

26 Letters 26 Drawings 26 Days - The Letter F

And the letter 'F'... F is for Flower, totally obvious this one but I really do love flowers, much more exciting to create in watercolour though, so will be fun when I get to the colour stage!

26 Letters 26 Drawings 26 Days - The Letter E

Finally have 'E'.... E is for Elephant.

Gotta love elephants, normally I can draw them but for some reason I just couldn't seem to find their form, it took a while but I got there in the end, sigh.

Move Over Poster Design, Alphabet Hiatus Is Over!

So my 26 Letters, 26 Drawings, 26 Days only got to Day 4 before having to go on hiatus... damn, I was really just getting into a nice habit too. But good reason shifted me from sitting down to draw with my own hands and got me sitting in front of Indesign instead and this here is the product of those hours...

The illustration by the way was originally done by hand by none other than the artist himself, Alex Hallahan.

Here's another version we workshopped, I love this one, and one day I'm sure we'll use it, we created it in black and white (to cut down on printing costs) but something about this launch show spoke colour... the illustration is also by Alex's own hand.

So on to the Letter 'E'...

xx Lou

Thursday, October 20, 2011

26 Letters 26 Drawings 26 Days - The Letter D

Had so much fun with D... I love drawing ducks - have got pages and pages full of them in my sketch book but I couldn't resist drawing a few new ones!

D is for Duck.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

26 Letters 26 Drawings 26 Days - The Letter B

Tried my hand at B for Bear... never been able to draw bears well and the temptation to take the easy way out and opt for bird, beetle, button or boat was ever present, but I stuck to my challenge, committed to the bear and completed B!! Now on to C... hmmm....
Lou xx

Monday, October 17, 2011

26 Letters 26 Drawings 26 Days - The Letter A

With both my 2 year old niece and 4 year old nephew learning their ABC's (and doing a fantastic job at it too) I've been inspired to create an 'alphabet poster'... well I've been wanting to make one for some time now, what with the chance to illustrate both the text and the image, I didn't really need the excuse... but anyway it's pushed me to finally get into gear and get this started!

So I've commenced a 'letter a day' challenge for myself and to make sure I don't over-endulge on favourite letters or procrastinate on the tough ones, I'm going to post a line drawing each day. Here we go... the letter A for Acorn.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

'Human Veins' Released Today!

Well it is finally here! Only a year ago did we commence our fundraising for this project and here we are on release day with an incredible piece of work by Alex, The Woodland Hunters and Craig Pilkington; a beautiful CD package; a huge buzz from all who are hearing it; a launch show booked at an iconic Melbourne venue; a hell of a lot of press packs out there waiting for eager ears... and a lot of sleep catching up to do!

THANK YOU so much for all those who have supported us along the way, whether it be a contribution to the fundraising, sharing the songs on Facebook, listening to and loving the tunes, coming to the live shows, asking when it's 'gonna be released', playing the songs on radio, in your car, on your ipod, on your stereo, giving us your feedback, appreciating the quality of the work, loving the cover art and most of all just being here on this adventure with us.

So here it is, take a listen!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

'Human Veins' CD's Have Arrived!

Just got the 'Human Veins' CD's back from the manufacturers and might I say they look bloody amazing! After the week I've had with printing dilemmas, to receive the album this morning in all it's glory has restored my faith in my ability as a conceptual artist! Thank God for the awesome team at MAD CD's who reproduced the cover art/design for us with such colour accuracy, detail and quality. MAD, you have made my day.

So here I am putting the CD into their press and pre-order packs while listening to the actual 'Human Veins' album... perfect accompaniment, tis making me more and more excited to get this ripper of an album out there!!! ...and that's not me being bias, anyone who knows me knows how opinionated I am when it comes to good music and this truly is - it's just lucky I happen to be a fan of Alex's songs, next I think I'll put on my other favourite album at the moment, 'Earnest' by The Stillsons.

Get back to work Lou
xx Sleepy Jean